My Journey

1947~my paternal great grandparents

1947~My GPGP Charlie Sr & Katherine Moses

For fifteen years I worked in western Washington for a large, fast-paced mortgage/real estate industry. I worked with professionals from every background and culture, including international collaborations. My time in this competitive, management-oriented field refined my communication, team-building, problem-solving, decision-making, and leadership skills.

Becoming a mother to my three wonderful children was life changing. In 2008 I made the decision to bring my children “home” to be closer to their family and heritage found at the Colville Indian Reservation.

As a native of north central Washington, raised on the Colville Indian Reservation, my lineage is:

Nez Perce|Niimíipu▪▫ ▪▫▫▪ Okanagan|Syilx ▪▫▫▪ ▪▫ Moses-Columbia|Sinkiuse – Sinkyone

1960~my maternal great grandparents

1960~my GMGP Ed & Mary Pierre

For the years I worked as the Real Property Manager for the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation. I am proud that my real estate experience helped my Tribe reduce the checkerboard of ownership within the Reservation and assert Tribal sovereignty. This challenging and rewarding work has given me in-depth experience in the buy-back of Tribal lands while lowering tribal property tax base. My work in Real Property Management has realized the Tribes a profit on leased tribal assets and contributed to our tribes largest gaming/hotel venture to date by completing a fee-to-trust conversion in a record eight months!

Unlike my time in urban western Washington, working for my Tribe meant collaborating with professionals from a myriad of natural resource and planning backgrounds. I am inspired by my fellow Tribal professionals because of their vested interest in providing the current membership and future generations with the best, most ecologically and culturally sustainable service.

Cousins 1978

Cousins 1978

I have inherited my family’s passion for continuous learning and improvement;  I am intrigued by all things pertaining to land and people that entail our history. I also respect my history and appreciate the opportunities provided by the struggles of my ancestors who came before me. Reconnecting with my past has presented the opportunity to help native nations across the United States strengthen their own land ownership rights and Tribal sovereignty.

4th of July Grounds

4th of July Grounds

My lil tribe w/cousin

My lil Tribe w/cousin