

  • Skillfully negotiated land purchases of over 20,000 acres of fee property for tribes.
  • Profitably negotiated the disposal of underutilized or non-income producing real property.
  • Effectively identified, organized inspections of, and supplied most accurate title, asset portfolio and risk management data, and provided property management services of approximately 160,000 acres of tribal land.
  • Successfully managed a newly developed and revenue generating program, which produced income to Tribe in excess of $225,000 in a fiscal year.
  • Working diligently with the State, Department of Revenue, Property Tax Division and County Assessor, Auditor and Treasurer’s Offices, successfully reducing tribal property tax base covering 160,000 acres of fee land an average of 62% over eight (8) Counties, providing an budget projected cost savings to tribe of $66,400 in fiscal year 2014 alone.
  • Strategically recaptured an estimated $45,000 from County Treasurer Offices for tribal government by disputing assessments and land use classifications.
  • Competently finalized and conveyed land into trust acquisitions of various cultural, agricultural, residential and commercial lands, and of significant merit the land into trust conversion of 296 acres in an unprecedented accelerated record of eight (8) months for tribes casino/hotel resort.